Richard I. Northrup, CLU
Direct: (619) 987-3905
Fax: (858) 597-6701
Rick entered the financial field as a Life Insurance Agent first as an intern during his senior year at UCLA before graduation. After spending two years in the USAF as a Contracting Officer, he returned to commence his career in the life insurance and financial service industry.
Most of his time has been committed to working with small and medium-sized businesses. He has also serviced some Fortune 500 companies. During this time his activity has specialized in Business Planning including the transfer of business interests and the various related Estate Planning considerations. He has also served as an “Expert Witness” for both plaintiffs and defendants.
Rick received the designation of Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) from the American Society of Financial Service Professionals in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania after attending the required curriculum and examination. He was also an active member of AALU, the Association of Advanced Life Underwriters, which is a Washington DC Based organization that is very active legislatively in the financial services and insurance industry and meets annually in Washington DC.
Rick first qualified for the Million $ Roundtable, a national organization of life insurance producers, in 1964. He then qualified for more than 15 additional years and has been a lifetime member.
Relatively early in his career, he joined the management team of the agency he was associated with and shortly after was invited to become a partner. Under that management team, the agency grew to become the company leader for over 5 years. During this period, he was one of the Founders and President of the Orange County Estate Planning Council, which includes Attorneys, Accountants, Trust Officers and Life Underwriters.
He left Agency Management in 1984 and for a limited time was in semi-retirement in the foothills of the Sierras. In 1998 he returned to Southern California with his wife, Jean, who works with him to continue serving their clientele.
* CA Insurance License Number: 0084586